Grivel Helix Ice Screw

From £45.00
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A very easy and fast steel screw to place on lead. Razor sharp teeth and a T-bar handle makes placement a doddle as you can turn it and keep the pressure on more easily than with any other screw. Fairly easy to rack with a karabiner, even several at a time, though the handle does stick out a bit.

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Grivel Helix Ice Screw

Short: 12cm Red RRP:
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Medium: 16cm Black RRP:
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Long: 20cm Yellow RRP:
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9 In Stock

A very easy and fast steel screw to place on lead. Razor sharp teeth and a T-bar handle makes placement a doddle as you can turn it and keep the pressure on more easily than with any other screw. Fairly easy to rack with a karabiner, even several at a time, though the handle does stick out a bit.

Grivel Ice Screws have the threads angled the opposite way to most other screws and Grivel claim this makes them stronger on ice pull tests.

Personally tested by Needle Sports staff at Rjukan and highly recommended!

NBColour of the hanger may vary slightly as there has been a slight in line colour change on all lengths.

Grivel Helix Ice Screws
Length Colour Weight Use
12cm Red 120g Ideal for "get it in quick" situations
16cm Black 160g Perfect for comfortable on lead placements
20cm Yellow 191g Great for reassuring belays and making Abalakovs


Grivel Ice Screw Sharpening Service
Grivel Ice Screw Sharpening Service
From £8.00
10 + In Stock

Ice screw sharpening service using a Grivel 360 machine - will work on most steel ice screws.

Grivel Gear Safe
Grivel Gear Safe
1 In Stock

Bag designed for storing ice screws and similar sharp objects.

Grivel Candela
Grivel Candela
2 In Stock

Cunning Grivel threader for Abalakov Threads.

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