With the items listed below it is possible to effect simple repairs to many items of outdoor gear, and manufacture ingenious additions for rucksacks and so on. For more complex repairs, please see out list of Recommended Repairers.
A slightly smaller and neater cordlock than the standard Ellipse.
Innovative Ellipse cordlock with an 8mm x 5mm oval hole.
Rectangular cord lock with a 10mm x 6mm rectangular hole.
Spherical cord lock with a 6mm diameter hole.
This is the type of cordgrip that POD used in conjunction with 5mm shock cord.
The Tri-Glide is a handy locking buckle that can be used to fasten webbing loops instead of sewing. Several widths.
The Ladder Lock is self locking at one end for quick adjustment. Several widths.
This single-pin ladder lock buckle replaces a broken ladder lock buckle. Available in two widths.
Replacement metal buckle as used on Metolius' crash pads and ropebags.
The Side Release is self locking at one end for quick adjustment. Several sizes.
Side release buckles that are adjustable at both ends. Several widths.
This one-pin side release buckle replaces single-adjustable side release buckles. Several widths.
This two-pin side release buckle replaces a non-adjustable side release buckle. Two widths.
Designed for Snaphooks to snap on to. Two widths.
Snaphooks come complete with a retainer attachment for either 20 or 25mm webbing.
Two part hook that allows you to convert elastic shock cord into octopus strapping.
A urethane-based seam sealer and repair adhesive.
Repair goo for mending boots, trainers, shoes, tents, ground sheets, waterproof clothing.
Super aggressive adhesive tape sticks to almost any surface.
Brilliant precut adhesive backed repair patches ca 75mm diameter.
Use Tenacious Tape Reflective to increase visibility and improve safety at night.
75mm diameter patches which you can use to cover over holes and rips. Available in packs of 2 and 5.
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