
To prevent costly repairs to your expensive outdoor gear, please follow the manufacturer’s instructions! For most waterproof and water resistant clothing this will involve washing with a suitable cleaner and then proofing it before tumble drying it, probably on an annual basis, but more often if it is getting a lot of use. Failure to do this will lead to a build up of sweat produced oils in the fabric which will destroy its waterproofness. For boots, regular cleaning and treatment with a suitable proofer will prolong their life considerably as will not drying them out in front of too hot a fire or radiator. When not in use, outdoor gear should be kept in a warm dry place, not outside in the garage where it will get attacked by mildew. Woollen thermals will need protecting from moths.

If repairs are needed, Needle Sports has no financial connection with the firms listed below but is happy to recommend them on the basis of personal knowledge and comments made by customers and suppliers over the years.

Rockworx resoles rock shoes in the heart of the Lake District - and does a very good job of it too! Your shoes can be dropped off at and collected from Needle Sports. Contact: 07766402881 or
Scottish Mountain Gear repair, clothing, tents, rucksacks (especially Macpac). They also re-rand Yetigaiters.
Lancashire Sports Repairs repair boots and rockshoes (recommended by Scarpa, Five Ten, Evolv), fell running shoes, outdoor clothing, rucksacks, sleeping bags and tents.
Feet First do boot and rockshoe repairs and are used by Five Ten, Scarpa, Sportiva, Boreal and Red Chili.
Mountaineering Designs are specialists in down equipment refurbishment.
RCW are Cumbrian specialists in zip replacement and outdoor clothing repair.

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