Ice Screw Accessories

Racking devices to keep your ice screws close at hand and storage devices to keep them sharp, as well as Abalakov threaders - the Abalakov Thread is one of the essential tools of the icefall climber's trade. Simply and quickly constructed, it can enable a rapid and safe retreat back to the ground in conditions that would previously have almost certainly entailed an epic.
10 + In Stock

Ingenious no spike Abalakov Threader

Petzl Multi-Hook
Petzl Multi-Hook
1 In Stock

A clever, folding Abalakov threader, the Multihook has a serrated blade to easily cut tat.

Grivel Candela
Grivel Candela
2 In Stock

Cunning Grivel threader for Abalakov Threads.

DMM WallDO Oval Wiregate Karabiner Pink
c63_14249_A408PK-WallDO-Wiregate-Pinkswatch c63_14249_A408BL-WallDO-Wiregate-Blueswatch c63_14249_A408PR-WallDO-Wiregate-Purpleswatch c63_14249_A408GR-WallDO-Wiregate-Greenswatch c63_14249_A408MG-WallDO-Wiregate-Matt-Greyswatch c63_14249_A408OR-WallDO-Wiregate-Orangeswatch DMM WallDO Oval Wiregate Karabiner DMM WallDO Oval Wiregate Karabiner
DMM WallDO Oval Wiregate Karabiner
Save 10%
3 In Stock

Probably the best krab for icefall activists to rack a knife and an Abalakov threader on.

Petzl Spatha Knife (Over 18s & UK only)
SpathaKnifeYellowSwatch SpathaKnifeBlackSwatch SpathaKnifeBlueSwatch
Petzl Spatha Knife (Over 18s & UK only)
2 In Stock

Lightweight very sharp climber's knife - can to be hung with a karabiner on the back of your harness.

Petzl Caritool Small
Petzl Caritool Small
5 In Stock

Simple dead light (plastic with wiregate) attachment for racking pegs or ice screws on your harness.

Petzl Caritool Professional Small
Petzl Caritool Professional Small
4 In Stock

Professional version of the standard Caritool - mainly for industrial use.

Petzl Caritool Professional Large
Petzl Caritool Professional Large
3 In Stock

Professional version of the large Caritool - mainly for industrial use.

Petzl Caritool Evo
Petzl Caritool Evo
6 In Stock

Ice screw holder adaptable to any type of harness.

Edelrid SM Clip
Edelrid SM Clip
4 In Stock

Racking harness karabiner for gear organisation (ice screws, pegs etc.).

Grivel Carryabiner
Grivel Carryabiner
3 In Stock

This ice screw racking device holds up to four ice screws and is also a full strength karabiner.

DMM Vault Wiregate
DMM Vault Wiregate
Save 10%
3 In Stock

An ice screw and peg racking carrier made in alloy rather than plastic.

Black Diamond Ice Screw Cap
Black Diamond Ice Screw Cap (single)
10 + In Stock

Simple soft plastic ice screw to protect the teeth of Black Diamond ice screws when they are in your rucksack.

Grivel Black Hole Ice Screw Protectors
Grivel Black Hole Ice Screw Protector (pack of 5)
4 In Stock

Not only keep your screws sharp, but also allow air to circulate so helping to prevent them going rusty.

Petzl Laser Protection Ice Screw Protectors (5 pack)
Petzl Laser Protection Ice Screw Protectors (5 pack)
2 In Stock

Pack of five protection caps for Petzl ice screws. Will also fit most other screws.

Grivel Pan Pipes
Grivel Pan Pipes
Save 35%
4 In Stock

Five Espressos on a firm belt with a shoulder strap. Brilliant method of storing your ice-screws.

Needle Sports ScrewTube
Needle Sports ScrewTube
2 In Stock
Lightweight and simple ice screw protector for four ice screws - a Needle Sports special design!
Petzl Octo
Petzl Octo
5 In Stock

The Petzl Octo roll is designed to store, protect and transport ice screws.

High Mountain Gear Ice Screw Cannon
High Mountain Gear Ice Screw Cannon High Mountain Gear Ice Screw Cannon
High Mountain Gear Ice Screw Cannon
From £58.00
2 In Stock

Extra large ice screw holders that carry up to 14 or more ice screws - two sizes.

Grivel Gear Safe
Grivel Gear Safe
1 In Stock

Bag designed for storing ice screws and similar sharp objects.

Yates Ice-Scream
Yates Ice-Scream
2 In Stock

The Ice-Scream has a convenient tie-off mechanism for ice screws.

Grivel Ice Screw Sharpening Service
Grivel Ice Screw Sharpening Service
From £8.00
10 + In Stock

Ice screw sharpening service using a Grivel 360 machine - will work on most steel ice screws.

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