
We stock every British Climbing Guide Book in print that we know of, and also list as well, a few just out of print ones. This is (as far as we are aware) the only site containing this information that is kept up to date. Please let us know of anything we have missed. Also included are some walking, scrambling, fell running, mountain biking, ski mountaineering and canoeing guide, particularly those related to the Lake District, where we are located.

Lake District Rock Wired Guide
Lake District Rock
3 In Stock

Top selling Lake District Rock selected rock climbing guide.

Lakes Sport & Slate
Lakes Sport & Slate
6 In Stock

All the slate, bolted limestone and sandstone, dry tooling and Bramcrag Quarry!

Sport Climbing in England & Wales Volume 1 (North)
Sport Climbing in England & Wales Volume 1 (North)
1 In Stock

Volume 1 of a two volume guidebook to the best sport climbing in England and Wales.

Sport Climbing in England & Wales Volume 2 (South)
Sport Climbing in England & Wales Volume 2 (South)
2 In Stock

Volume 2 of a two volume guidebook to the best sport climbing in England and Wales.

Lake District Climbs
Lake District Climbs
10 In Stock

A selected climbs guide to the best of Lake District rock climbing - superb photography.

Mountain Rock
Mountain Rock
3 In Stock

100 of the best mountaineering rock climbs in Britain.

3 In Stock

Comprehensive rock climbing information in Eskdale.

Dow & Coppermines
Dow & Coppermines
5 In Stock

Comprehensive coverage of all the routes on Dow.

3 In Stock

Definitive rock climbing guide to Langdale, including Gimmer, Pavey Ark, White Ghyll etc.

Duddon & Wrynose
Duddon & Wrynose
2 In Stock

Covers both the Duddon Valley and the popular crags accessed from Wrynose Pass.

Scafell & Wasdale
Scafell & Wasdale
3 In Stock

Definitive rock climbing guide covering Scafell and Wasdale in the western Lake District.

Gable & Pillar
Gable & Pillar
3 In Stock

Definitive rock climbing guide to The Napes, Kern Knotts, Gable Crag, Boat How and Pillar Rock etc.

Buttermere & St Bees
Buttermere & St Bees
4 In Stock

Definitive FRCC climbing guidebook to Buttermere and the Newlands Valley, plus St Bees.

6 In Stock

Semi-Definitive rock climbing in the Borrowdale valley, near Keswick in the northern Lake District.

Eastern Crags
Eastern Crags
3 In Stock

Definitive climbing guidebook to the Eastern Crags of the Lake District.

Eden Valley & South Lakes Limestone
Eden Valley & South Lakes Limestone
2 In Stock

Guidebook covering the northern, eastern and southern crags of the borders of Cumbria.

FRCC Lake District New Climbs 2018
Lake District New Climbs & Notes 2018
4 In Stock

New climbs update to all the FRCC definitive rock and ice climbing guidebooks.

Lake District Bouldering
Lake District Bouldering
8 In Stock

The must have guide to Lake District bouldering!

Lakes Bouldering
Lakes Bouldering
1 In Stock

A round-up of Lake District bouldering.

Snow & Ice
Snow & Ice
2 In Stock

100 of Britain's best winter mountaineering routes between grade I and grade III.

Lake District Winter Climbs
Lake District Winter Climbs
4 In Stock

Definitive guidebook to winter climbing in the Lake District.

Lake District White Guide
Lake District White Guide
Back Order

Best ecological and ethical practice when climbing in the Lake District in winter.

Dry-Tooling Great Britain
Dry-Tooling Great Britain
3 In Stock

Definitive guide to dry-tooling venues in Great Britain.

Northumberland Climbing Guide
Northumberland Climbing Guide
2 In Stock

Sandstone sandbags in the land of the E3/VS. Major crags include, Bowden Doors, Kyloe and Crag Lough.

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