Portaledges, Chairs & Bivis

Essential kit for many multi-day big wall routes, a Portaledge enables climbers to sleep and relax in comfort when there are no natural ledge systems on their climb.

We generally try and keep at least one double portaledge plus fly in stock but if that one has sold we can try and get another from one of the manufacturers listed below - this can take a while as they usually make a batch and then don't make any for ages.

High Mountain Gear Taco Portaledge System
High Mountain Gear Taco Portaledge System High Mountain Gear Taco Portaledge System
High Mountain Gear Taco Portaledge System
From £299.00
1 In Stock

A ridiculously lightweight one person portaledge at under 600g!

High Mountain Gear Gordito Storm Fly
High Mountain Gear Gordito Storm Fly
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The perfect companion for the HMG Taco Portaledge system.

Black Diamond Perch Double Portaledge
Black Diamond Perch Double Portaledge
2 In Stock

An island of safety or an overnight B & B in the middle of a big wall.

Black Diamond Perch Double Expedition Fly
Black Diamond Perch Double Expedition Fly
2 In Stock

The Black Diamond Perch Expedition Fly is designed to fit the Perch Double Portaledge.

Metolius Double Fly for Bomb Shelter Portaledge
Metolius Double Fly for Bomb Shelter Portaledge
Save 25%
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Fly for the Metolius double person Bomb Shelter Portaledge - it has taped seams and a window.

Metolius Single Fly for Bomb Shelter Portaledge
Metolius Single Fly for Bomb Shelter Portaledge
Save 10%
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Fly for the Metolius single person Bomb Shelter Portaledge - it has taped seams and a window.

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