DMM Phantom Quickdraw

From £17.99
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Amazingly light quickdraws ideal for high altitude climbing or for anyone wanting to save weight on their trad rack.

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DMM Phantom Quickdraw

12cm RRP:
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5 In Stock
18cm RRP:
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5 In Stock
25cm RRP:
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5 In Stock
Set 6 x 12cm RRP:
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2 In Stock
Set 6 x 18cm RRP:
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1 In Stock

Amazingly light quickdraws ideal for high altitude climbing or for anyone wanting to save weight on their trad rack.

Also available in sets:

  • 6 x 12cm.
  • 6 x 18cm.

DMM Phantom Quickdraw Length Karabiner Strength Closed Karabiner Strength Open Karabiner Strength Cross-Loaded Extender Strength Weight
12cm 23kN 9kN 7kN 22kN 58g
18cm 23kN 9kN 7kN 22kN 60g
25cm 23kN 9kN 7kN 22kN 62g

DMM Phantom Alpine Quickdraw 60cm Orange
DMM Phantom Alpine Quickdraw 60cm
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3 In Stock

This 60cm quickdraw converts quickly from a long quickdraw to a short sling with two krabs.

DMM Phantom Karabiner Gold
PhantomSilverSwatch PhantomBLTSwatch PhantomGoldSwatch PhantomOrangeSwatch PhantomRedSwatch PhantomGreenSwatch PhantomBlueSwatch PhantomPurpleSwatch Phantom6swatch
DMM Phantom Wiregate Karabiner
From £8.99
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10 In Stock

One of the lightest climbing karabiners in the world, but also large enough to be functional. 26g.

DMM Phantom Screwgate Karabiner
Phantom SG Titanium
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10 In Stock

The lightest full strength screwgate karabiner on the planet. Only 41g!!

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