Grivel Clepsydra Twin Gate Large Karabiner


Innovative twingate belay/abseil karabiner that has an internal wiregate to prevent dangerous cross-loading and is unlikely to freeze up in winter. Large version.

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Grivel Clepsydra Twin Gate Large Karabiner

Grivel Clepsydra Twin Gate Large Karabiner RRP:
2 In Stock

A large belay karabiner that has an internal wiregate to stop the krab swiveling around the harness belay loop and becoming dangerously cross-loaded. It also features Grivel's innovative twingate system that gives the security of a screwgate without having anything to screw up. This means it is unlikely to freeze up in winter and if it does can be easily prised or tapped open.

  • Bomb proof twingate patented system.
  • Second wire gate isolating the belay loop for belaying or abseiling.
  • Closed belay loop even with the karabiner’s door open.
  • Totally automatic operation.
  • Rounded and large surface for rope and belay loop.
  • Hot drop forged.

Strength Closed Strength Open Strength Cross Loaded
22kN 8kN 9kN
External Dimensions Gate Opening Weight
11.7cm x 7.3cm 24mm 89g


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