Petzl Am'D Screw-Lock Karabiner

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Screwgate locking large D karabiner. As a safety feature, the gate is coloured red but the red part does not show when the barrel is crewed up properly.

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Petzl Am'D Screw-Lock Karabiner

Petzl Am'D Screw-Lock Karabiner RRP:
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Screwgate locking large D karabiner. As a safety feature, the gate is coloured red but the red part does not show when the barrel is crewed up properly - if it does show the red equals danger. The patented Keylock gate uses a key-shaped nose on karabiner and slot-shaped gate to create a strong, snag-free closure. The large gate opening makes it easier to clip in.

  • Locking karabiner.
  • Efficient shape for using ropes etc at both ends of the karabiner.
  • Karabiner can hold a large quantity of equipment.
  • D shape for good handling.
  • Shape designed for gripping when wearing gloves.
  • Keylock system to avoid any involuntary snagging of the karabiner.

Petzl Am'D Screw-Lock Karabiner
Strength Closed Strength Open Strength Cross Loaded
27kN 8kN 7kN
External Dimensions Gate Opening Weight
11cm x 6.5cm 25mm 70g

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