MSR Fuel Bottle - Needle Sports Ltd

MSR Fuel Bottle

From £23.00

These fuel bottles are designed specifically to accept the threads on MSR fuel pumps and to easily handle the high pressure you need to efficiently operate MSR liquid fuel stoves.

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MSR Fuel Bottle

Small RRP:
1 In Stock
Medium RRP:
3 In Stock
Large RRP:
1 In Stock

These fuel bottles are designed specifically to accept the threads on MSR fuel pumps and to easily handle the high pressure you need to efficiently operate MSR liquid fuel stoves.

All these bottles come with MSR's child proof top.

NB MSR fuel bottles are unlined aluminium. They are fine for use with white gas, Coleman Fuel, petrol and paraffin (kerosene), but are not suitable for methylated spirits, which will turn them into a colander.

MSR Fuel Bottles Volume
Weight Usage
S 325ml 11oz 116g One night stand bottle for two. Ideal for single alpine bivis.
M 591ml 20oz 160g Two people for two days plus a bit to spare. Ideal for most uses.
L 887ml 30oz 265g Best basecamp bottle - needs refilling less often.

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