Harvey Map - Gerry Charnley Round 1:40,000


The Gerry Charnley Round is a 38 mile fell running challenge consisting of three loops of roughly equal length each one of which can be run in its own right.

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Harvey Map - Gerry Charnley Round 1:40,000

Harvey Map - Gerry Charnley Round 1:40,000 RRP:
1 In Stock

The Gerry Charnley Round is a 38 mile clover leaf-shaped fell running challenge originally devised in 1984 to celebrate the late Gerry Charnley and is published by Harvey in conjunction with South Ribble Orienteering Club as part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations.

It consists of three loops of roughly equal length each one of which can be run in its own right. Conveniently , each loop can also be based upon youth hostels in Borrowdale, Langdale and Eskdale.

It is waterproof, light to carry and clear and easy to read with detailed mapping at 1:40,000 scale. It can be used with a GPS and is an ideal route planning tool.

For a map showing the actual loops, see the Go Far Website.

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