Smidge Pocket 18ml

Smidge has a unique formula which works by throwing midges off your scent. This handy dispenser, the size of a fat credit card, slips easily into a pocket.

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Smidge Pocket 18ml

Smidge Pocket 18ml RRP:
10 + In Stock

Smidge has a unique formula which works by throwing midges off your scent. Midges detect our exhaled carbon dioxide and other body odours to find us. Smidge interferes with this process and confuses the midge so that it can't smell us, can’t find us and thus can’t bite us.

It was developed by Dr Alison Blackwell, a world-renowned authority on midge behaviour and leader of the scientific team behind the Scottish Midge Forecast. Thanks to its novel, water and sweat resisting formula it provides powerful, immediate protection for up to 8 hours without re-application.

  • Powerful, water and sweat-resistant protection for up to 8 hours.
  • As well as the infamous Scottish biting midge, it gives excellent protection against mosquitoes, horse flies, ticks and other biting pests.
  • DEET-free: contains 20% Picaridn (also known as Saltidin), recommended by WHO, Health Protection Scotland and Public Health England for effective biting-insect protection.
  • Safe for adults, pregnant women and especially good for use with young children (from 2 years).
  • Non-sticky, moisturising milk formulation with a pleasant fragrance.
  • Alcohol-free.
  • Developed and tested in Scotland under the harshest of conditions!

This version of Smidge comes in a credit card sized (but thicker) 18ml non-aerosol plastic pump flat bottle - ideal for slipping in your pocket when climbing. 

Definitely the best midge repellent on the market in the humble opinion of Needle Sports staff.

Volume: 18ml.

NB If you have a particular history of contact dermatitis or would prefer an unscented product (with the same active ingredient as Smidge), the makers recommend their product, Moskito Guard.

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