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Brand : Moon

<div style="text-align: justify;"> For the last two decades, Ben Moon&rsquo;s name has been inextricably linked to climbing. Indeed, since 1984 when, as an 18 year old, he made the first ascent of Statement of Youth 8a, Ben has been in the vanguard of British and world sports climbing and bouldering. Since then he has made climbing his life, putting up many of the world&rsquo;s hardest routes, including &lsquo;Hubble&rsquo;, the first 8c+ in 1990. A few years ago, he decided to concentrate on, what to him is the purest form of climbing, bouldering. In many ways Ben has defined this movement, leading the way with his extraordinary problems in Fontainebleau, the USA, India and Britain.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> &nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"> As a result, <strong><a href="http://www.moonclimbing.com/" target="_blank">Moon</a></strong> is a company with its roots firmly embedded in climbing. Having been a professional climber for 20 years and&nbsp;travelled&nbsp;and climbed with some of the world&#39;s top climbers Ben Moon decided he wanted to have a say in the design and style of the climbing products he regularly used. He felt that his own experience and what he had learned from others would be of use not only in designing better climbing products but might also help people to get more from their climbing. His initial foray into climbing equipment and clothing was branded as&nbsp;S7&nbsp;but has since been reincarnated as Moon.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div>

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